How to Prepare for AWS Certified Solutions Architect Examination

Are you preparing for your Amazon web services Solutions Architect certification exam, there are some common-yet-powerful techniques that can make sure you’re not overlooking anything in your preparation?  If you are aiming for the Solutions Architect Examination then it must give you a brief overview and off course it will help to revise if you know something. So many professionals prepare for a certification and knowing the source information but it’s only a small part of the preparation. Our Amazon web service certification online professional course will provide you the time and space you need to go deep and truly master in a new skill. Plus, almost all cloud computing courses are made up of on-demand and real time scenario based and has been designed by salesforce certified professionals consist of more than one project so the candidate has a good hands-on learning experience.

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We have already shared few questions and answers in or previous blog for our regular readers in AWS Certification Examination Tutorial New Questions and Answers as a Want to pass your next certification exam? In today’s high competition era, it is always required to have something extra to beat the competition. Now, you must be curious to know certification examination that examines your industry readiness by analyzing your knowledge in programming and databases. Here we are sharing few questions and answers for the Amazon web services Solutions Architect Examination questions samples which gives you an idea what are the questions and how they ask in what manner? You can go to each of the references yourself to help you better understand the type of questions to expect on your exam. By reviewing the exam references, you will have gained additional insights as to how the exam questions were composed and the text that they are based off. There are few examination questions along with there answers, please read them and remember our best wishes for the preparation and examination, definitely you can clear your certification in your first attempt.

QUESTION: Amazon SWF is designed to help users

  • Design graphical user interface interactions
  • Manage user identification and authorization
  • Store Web content
  • Coordinate synchronous and asynchronous tasks which are distributed and fault tolerant

Answer: Coordinate synchronous and asynchronous tasks which are distributed and fault tolerant

QUESTION: Can I control if and when MySQL based RDS Instance is upgraded to new supported versions?

  • No
  • Only in VPC
  • Yes

Answer: Yes

QUESTION: What does Amazon Elastic Beanstalk provide?

  • A scalable storage appliance on top of Amazon Web Services
  • An application container on top of Amazon Web Services
  • A service by this name doesn't exist
  • A scalable cluster of EC2 instances

Answer: An application container on top of Amazon Web Services

QUESTION: True or False
When using IAM to control access to your RDS resources, the key names that can be used are case sensitive. For example, aws:CurrentTime is NOT equivalent to Aws:CurrentTime

  • TRUE

Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Key names are case-insensitive. For example, aws:CurrentTime is equivalent to AWS: currenttime

QUESTION: What will be the status of the snapshot until the snapshot is complete?

  • running
  • working
  • progressing
  • pending

Answer: Pending

QUESTION: Can we attach an EBS volume to more than one EC2 instance at the same time?

  • No
  • Yes
  • Only EC2-optimized EBS volumes
  • Only in read mode

Answer: NO

QUESTION: True or False:
 Automated backups are enabled by default for a new DB Instance?

  • TRUE

Answer: TRUE

QUESTION: What does the AWS Storage Gateway provide?

  • It allows to integrate on-premises IT environments with Cloud Storage
  • A direct encrypted connection to Amazon S3
  • It's a backup solution that provides an on-premises Cloud storage
  • It provides an encrypted SSL endpoint for backups in the Cloud

Answer: It allows to integrate on-premises IT environments with Cloud Storage

QUESTION: Amazon RDS automated backups and DB Snapshots are currently supported for only the storage engine?

  • InnoDB
  • MyISAM

Answer: InnoDB

QUESTION: How many relational database engines does RDS currently support?

  • Three: MySQL, Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server
  • Just two: MySQL and Oracle
  • Six: Amazon Aurora, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL and MariaDB
  • Just one: MySQL

Answer: Three: MySQL, Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server

QUESTION: Fill in the blanks: 
The base URI for all requests for instance metadata is __________________.



QUESTION: While creating the snapshots using the command line tools, which command should I be using?

  • ec2-deploy-snapshot
  • ec2-fresh-snapshot
  • ec2-create-snapshot
  • ec2-new-snapshot

Answer: ec2-create-snapshot

QUESTION: Typically, you want your application to check whether a request generated an error before you spend any time processing results. The easiest way to find out if an error occurred is to look for a node in the response from the Amazon RDS API?

  • Incorrect
  • Error

Answer: Error

QUESTION: What are the two types of licensing options available for using Amazon RDS for Oracle?

  • BYOL and Enterprise License
  • BYOL and License Included
  • Enterprise License and License Included
  • Role based License and License Included

Answer: BYOL and License Included

QUESTION: What does a "Domain" refer to in Amazon SWF?

  • A security group in which only tasks inside can communicate with each other
  • A special type of worker
  • A collection of related Workflows
  • The DNS record for the Amazon SWF service

Answer: A collection of related Workflows

Explanation: Domains provide a way of scoping Amazon SWF resources within your AWS account. All the components of a workflow, such as the workflow type and activity types, must be specified to be in a domain. It is possible to have more than one workflow in a domain; however, workflows in different domains cannot interact with each other. 

QUESTION: EBS Snapshots occur 

  • Asynchronously
  • Synchronously
  • Weekly

Answer: Asynchronously

Explanation: Snapshots occur asynchronously; the point-in-time snapshot is created immediately, but the status of the snapshot is pending until the snapshot is complete (when all of the modified blocks have been transferred to Amazon S3), which can take several hours for large initial snapshots or subsequent snapshots where many blocks have changed. 

QUESTION: Disabling automated backups ___________disable the point-in-time recovery.

  • if configured to can
  • will never
  • will

Answer: will

QUESTION: Out of the stripping options available for the EBS volumes, which one has the following disadvantage: 'Doubles the amount of I/O required from the instance to EBS compared to RAID 0, because you're mirroring all writes to a pair of volumes, limiting how much you can stripe.'?

  • Raid 0
  • RAID 1+0 (RAID 10)
  • Raid 1
  • Raid

Answer: Raid 1

Explanation: raid 0 and 1 are the common types. Raid 5 and 6 are not recommended because of the extended stripe. If you encounter this question on the exam, I suspect the answer options will be different.
Raid 1 Disadvantage: Does not provide a write performance improvement; requires more Amazon EC2 to Amazon EBS bandwidth than non- RAID configurations because the data is written to multiple volumes simultaneously.
Raid 0 Disadvantage: Performance of the stripe is limited to the worst performing volume in the set. Loss of a single volume results in a complete data loss for the array.
Raid 5 and 6 notes: RAID 5 and RAID 6 are not recommended for Amazon EBS because the parity write operations of these RAID modes consume some of the IOPS available to your volumes. Depending on the configuration of your RAID array, these RAID modes provide 20-30% fewer usable IOPS than a RAID 0 configuration. Increased cost is a factor with these RAID modes as well; when using identical volume sizes and speeds, a 2-volume RAID 0 array can outperform a 4-volume RAID 6 array that costs twice as much.

QUESTION: Is creating a Read Replica of another Read Replica supported?

  • Only in certain regions
  • Only with MSSQL based RDS
  • Only for Oracle RDS types
  • No

Answer: Only with MSSQL based RDS

QUESTION: Can I create a Read Replica of another Read Replica?
Amazon RDS for MySQL: You can create a second-tier Read Replica from an existing first-tier Read Replica. By creating a second-tier Read Replica, you may be able to move some of the replication load from the master database instance to a first-tier Read Replica. Please note that a second-tier Read Replica may lag further behind the master because of  additional replication latency introduced as transactions are replicated from the master to the first-tier replica and then to the second-tier replica.
Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL: Read Replicas of Read Replicas are not currently supported.

QUESTION: Can Amazon S3 uploads resume on failure or do they need to restart?

  • Restart from beginning
  • You can resume them, if you flag the "resume on failure" option before uploading.
  • Resume on failure
  • Depends on the file size

Answer: Resume on failure

QUESTION: Which of the following cannot be used in Amazon EC2 to control who has access to specific Amazon EC2 instances?

  • Security Groups
  • IAM System
  • SSH keys
  • Windows passwords

Answer: IAM System

QUESTION: Fill in the blanks: 
Let you categorize your EC2 resources in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment?

  • wildcards
  • pointers
  • Tags
  • special filters

Answer: Tags

QUESTION: How can I change the security group membership for interfaces owned by other AWS, such as Elastic Load Balancing?

  • By using the service specific console or APICLI commands
  • None of these
  • Using Amazon EC2 API/CLI
  • using all these methods

Answer: By using the service specific console or APICLI commands

QUESTION: What is the maximum write throughput I can provision for a single Dynamic DB table?

  • 1,000 write capacity units
  • 100,000 write capacity units
  • Dynamic DB is designed to scale without limits, but if you go beyond 10,000 you have to contact AWS first
  • 10,000 write capacity units

Answer: Dynamic DB is designed to scale without limits, but if you go beyond 10,000 you have to contact AWS first

QUESTION: What does the following command do with respect to the Amazon EC2 security groups? ec2-revoke Revoke Security Group Ingress?

  • Removes one or more security groups from a rule
  • Removes one or more security groups from an Amazon EC2 instance
  • Removes one or more rules from a security group
  • Removes a security group from our account

Answer: Removes one or more rules from a security group

Explanation: Removes one or more ingress rules from a security group. The values that you specify in the revoke request (for example, ports) must match the existing rule’s values for the rule to be removed. 

QUESTION: Can a 'user' be associated with multiple AWS accounts?

  • No
  • Yes

Answer: No

QUESTION: True or False: 
Manually created DB Snapshots are deleted after the DB Instance is deleted?

  • TRUE

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: If you choose not to create a final DB snapshot, you will not be able to later restore the DB instance to its final state. When you delete a DB instance, all automated backups are deleted and cannot be recovered. Manual DB snapshots of the instance are not deleted.

QUESTION: What happens to the data on an instance if the instance reboots (intentionally or unintentionally)?

  • Data will be lost
  • Data persists
  • Data may persist however cannot be sure

Answer: Data persists

Explanation: “Instance Store Lifetime” You can specify instance store volumes for an instance only when you launch it. The data in an instance store persists only during the lifetime of its associated instance. If an instance reboots (intentionally or unintentionally), data in the instance store persists. However, data in the instance store is lost under the following circumstances: The underlying disk drive fails the instance stops the instance terminates.

QUESTION: How many types of block devices does Amazon EC2 support?

  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 1

Answer: 2

QUESTION: Provisioned IOPS Costs: you are charged for the IOPS and storage whether or not you use them in a given month?

  • TRUE

Answer: FALSE

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